This is our Energy Reality


“We have reached a point of crisis with regard to energy… The essential problem is not just that we are tapping the wrong energy sources (though we are), or that we are wasteful and inefficient (though we are), but that we are overpowered, and we are overpowering nature.”

— from the Introduction, by Richard Heinberg

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Negawatts instead of … Megawatts

wThe negawatt is a theoretical unit of power saved, its name stems from a newspaper typo that Amory Lovins, the founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute and a dedicated energy efficiency supporter, decided to adopt for a 1989 keynote address at the Green Energy Conference in Montreal. Negawatts could reduce the pressure on supply infrastructure while maintaining adequate energy services for an improving quality of life. There, he painted a picture of a more energy-efficient world, saying, “Imagine being able to save half the electricity for free and still get the same or better services!”

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