Solarization of Greece


From Austerity to Abundance

Greece is home to heroes and goddesses, mythical creatures and jeweled beaches, damn fine olives, and the most sun-kissed skin in Europe. While the recent coverage from Greece has been about scarcity, austerity and converging crises, it has failed to cast a shadow over a country that is abundant in a powerful and ancient source of hope: the Sun. Continue reading “Solarization of Greece”

Comparing wood fuels prices in 2013 across EU


The Biomass Trade Center II has conducted a survey regarding the wood fuel prices in 2013, 1st period concerning nine EU countries. The countreis were: Austria, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Slovenia and Spain. To ensure better transparency of wood fuel markets in participating countries or regions wood fuel prices are regularly monitored and analysed.

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Athens: Balkans Oil & Gas 2013 Summit


The established 2nd Annual Balkans Oil & Gas 2013 Summit is here again to gather the leading companies involved in the Upstream and Downstream sector of the Balkans and discuss the recent developments in the countries on the exploration from the Adriatic to the Black Sea, the new pipeline projects that will fuel Europe and Balkans with gas, as well as the ways to get involved in each of the countries.

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Greece: Chalkidiki transmits S.O.S.

Protest in Thessaloniki
Protest in Thessaloniki

As Greece still facing the economic crisis the exploitation of the mineral wealth, on the one hand, seems to be a suitable solution towards the economic development. Greek state has granted the mining rights area of 317,000 acres in northern Halkidiki, rich in gold, copper and other metals in the Canadian multinational Eldorado Gold.

Continue reading “Greece: Chalkidiki transmits S.O.S.”